Housecleaning & Housekeeping

Housekeeping Workshop von Hotqua in Wustrow Ostsee Kurklinik Fischland

In-house training on housekeepig and housecleaning on the following topics and exercises:

  • Work instructions and work procedures for cleaning the rooms, bathrooms and public areas in hospitals and hotels
  • Practical checklists for housekeepers and the maids
  • TÜV approved job descriptions for housekeepers and cleaners
  • Large Housekeeping Test

Satisfaction degree of the participants: 96%

Foto: Workshopparticipants after successfully passing the HSK Test


Dirsch Internal Audit

Frank Höchsmann auditorInternal Audit

  • Revision of the following departments: hotel management, reception, service, housekeeping, maintenance, events, stewarding
  • Photo f.l.t.r.: Stefanie Haschke / service director, Simone Theuerkauf / Housekeeping, Angelika & Benedict Dirsch / Managing Owners and Johanna Bauerfeind / Quality Officer

Astoria Internal Quality Audit

Hotqua Berlin, Frank HöchsmannInternal quality audit:

Revision of the following departments:

  • Hotel management, reception, housekeeping and breakfast
  • Preparation for the external audit by TÜV + improvements and suggestions
  • Photo: Frank Haegele (right) + Frank Höchsmann during the audit 

Identification and evaluation of competitors

In-house training at the Berlin Plaza Hotel on competitor analysis, focusing on:

Service analysis & Guest review
Identification and evaluation of competitors
Success factors:  Guest handling & Communication
Large test with assessment & evaluation of competitors
Satisfaction degree of trainees: 94%

Photo: Stefanie Stanulla, Diecke Alexander, Michael Heßelbarth, Nanett Goethals, Julia Krause, Thorsten Irle (Frank Haegele is not in the photo)

11th Meeting of the Committee of the German Polish Government Commission

Unit "European Spatial and Urban Development Policy"

Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development

Assistance of the 11th Meeting of the Committee for Regional Planning of the Polish-German Intergovernmental Commission for Regional and cross-border cooperation in Berlin on 23.-24.05.2011

HACCP Liquidrom

 HACCP Hotqua FRank HöchsmannHygiene and work processes in the kitchen and service in accordance with HACCP

  • Internal training  about implementation of the legally required hygiene regulations for employees of the company Liquidrom.
  • Satisfaction degree of the participants: (Andreas Schmitka, Isabell Scharnagel, Jennifer Blank, Mara Müller, Sanaz Rassuli, Sven Schmalz, Ümmus Culha): 92%
  • Foto: Some of the workshop participants

Qualitymanager DIN EN ISO 9000 ff

Qualitätsmanager ISO 9000 ff Ritz Carlton BerlinContent of the QM -training:


1. DIN-EN-ISO 9001 Introduction & Auditing

2. Business Process Management 

3. Quality indicators & Quality promotion

4. Total Quality Management / TQM & EFQ

5. Exam preparation and exam

Satisfaction degree of the participants: 96%

Foto: f.l.t.r. Marina Leboucher (QCconSys), Anne Lorenz (Camping Sanssouci), Roland Harnoth (TSH), Virginia Witaseck (Camping Sanssouci),  Uwe Valtinke (QCconSys),  Ronny Mutscher  (Institut für Mentoring von Soldaten - Institution for mentoring of soldiers), Kay Busse (Romantik Hotel Heringsdorf) and Frank Höchsmann (Hotqua Berlin)

Carl Wolff Gesellschaft

On 16.05.2011 the economy club of the Transylvanian Saxons, Berlin department, organised an introductory event with the following schedule and timeline: 

CWG in Berlin, Frank Höchsmann

17:00 Welcome speech by Dr. Susanne Kastner and Dr. Andreas Apel

 17:15 Introduction of the participants of the meeting

17:30 Introduction of the CWG

18:15 Proposals of the participants and discussions on economic development and regional potential

18:30 Questions on economic and association related topics

19:00 End of the event

This was the first event of this kind and it was an overwhelming success. 50% of the participants presented applications for membership.

Foto f.l.t.r.: Dr. Andreas Apelt / Deutsche Gesellschaft, Gizela Wentrup / Association of the transylvanian saxons und Frank Höchsmann / Carl Wolff Gesellschaft