Auditing of sustainable quality standards
Auditing of sustainable quality standards
at the Hotel Stadt Löbau in Löbau.
The standards were tested
of the management:
- Hotel Manager
- Quality Representative
- Human Resources Management
- Administration
of the accommodation area:
- Reception and reservation
- Housekeeping
- Building services
- Marketing
of the catering department.
- Kitchen & Catering
- Restaurant
- Breakfast
- Events
Basic Service Course
Contents of the in-house training at the congress and wellness hotel centrovital Berlin, on 20.11.2023 and 21.11.2023:
- Legal basis in gastronomy
- Guest expectations at the restaurant emil ́s
- Service Types: European & American Service
- Service Steps: Pre-Service, Service, Post-Service
- Beverage Service: Non-Alcoholic & Alcoholic Beverages
- Gastronomic vocabulary
- Golden service rules in the restaurant emil ́s
- 10 tips for trainees and young professionals
- Participant satisfaction rate: 97%
EU Data Protection Training
Erfolgreiche Inhouse-Datenschutzschulung stärkt Sensibilisierung für Datenschutz
Am 8. November 2023 führte unser Unternehmen eine Inhouse-Datenschutzschulung durch, die von unserem Experten Frank Höchsmann geleitet wurde. Die Schulung bot einen Einblick in verschiedene Aspekte des Datenschutzes, um das Bewusstsein für den Schutz personenbezogener Daten zu stärken.
Inhalte der Schulung umfassten:
- Personenbezogene Daten und ihre Bedeutung
- Technisch-organisatorische Maßnahmen zum Datenschutz
- Rolle und Verantwortlichkeiten des Datenschutzbeauftragten und Datenschutzmanagements
- Datenschutz bei Verarbeitung und Datenschutz-Folgenabschätzung
- Mitarbeiter-Sensibilisierung für Datenschutz und Umgang mit Datenschutzpannen
- Nutzung von Datenschutz-Checklisten und Hinweisen
Die hohe Zufriedenheit der Teilnehmenden, mit einer beeindruckenden Bewertung von 96%, spiegelt die Qualität und den Nutzen dieser Schulung wider. Sie unterstreicht die Relevanz des Themas Datenschutz in unserer Unternehmenskultur und betont unser Engagement für den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit sensiblen Informationen.
Housekeeping Management
Under the direction of the renowned expert Frank Höchsmann, a top-class training course on housekeeping management took place in Berlin.
The training, organized by DEHOGA Berlin, focused on the optimization and quality assurance of various aspects of housekeeping.
The workshop covered essential topics such as the effective cleaning of public spaces, detailed procedures for room and bathroom cleaning, as well as comprehensive insights into building services and maintenance.
Participants not only gained valuable knowledge in these areas, but also benefited from the practical tips and recommendations of Frank Höchsmann, a respected professional in the industry.
The training achieved an impressive 97% satisfaction rate among participants. This evaluation reflects the high quality of the workshop and the participants' positive experiences with the content presented.
Photo: Participants, on 06.11.2023
Further training to become a quality manager
Quality manager according to DIN-EN-ISO 9000 ff
Objectives & benefits: Participants will receive detailed information on international quality management according to ISO 9001 and concrete examples of practical implementation. In this way, they can optimize work processes and procedures in their own company and successfully participate in the introduction or continuation of efficient QM systems. The training course ends with an examination to become a quality manager according to DIN EN ISO 9001 by CERTQUA (DIHK, BDA, ZDH, Wuppertal Circle for Quality).
Contents of the training:
- DIN-EN-ISO 9001 & 19011
- Business Process Management/GPM
- Quality Indicators & Promotion
- Total Quality Management / EFQM
- Exam Preparation & Exam (CERTQUA)
Satisfaction rate of workshop participants: 99%, measured on 03.11.2023
Executive certified Housekeeper
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
thank you that everything worked so well with the online training course "Certified Housekeeper GHI".
I particularly liked the online course Housekeeping Management but also the other courses;
Successful communication, efficient management techniques and cleaning and disinfection according to DIN 10516.
Thanks again for this training,
Daria Janik, certified housekeeper (GHI).
Participant satisfaction level: 94%
Internal Audit and examination of documents
Internal audit with document verification in the company
clean2fly at Schönefeld Airport
Inspection of the company premises
Document verification according to DIN EN ISO 9001
Auditing of the aircraft exterior wash process
Review of the aircraft interior cleaning process
Warehousing and warehousing
Preparation for the certification audit
Internal Audit DIN EN ISO 9001
Internal audit and preparation for the first
Surveillance audit of the company RSG Rein Service GmbH.
The following points have been meticulously checked:
- The quality management manual according to ISO 9001:2015
- The procedural instructions and value-added processes
- The checklists, forms and lists
- The SWOT analysis
- Congratulations on the best Internal Audit, which
- The prerequisite for the surveillance audit is.
With style and etiquette / Behavior in the hotel and catering industry
In-house training on the subject of HoGa etiquette / behaviour in the
4-star wellness and congress hotel centrovital in Berlin Spandau
Contents of the training:
- Foreword & Introduction
- Greeting & Salutation
- Appearance & Attitudes
- Etiquette & communication rules
- Style & etiquette in the hotel and restaurant
- Recommendations & Conclusions
- Participant satisfaction: 95%
Reference books in 5 languages on various hotel management topics here!
Guest-oriented telephony
In-house training on the subject of correct telephony in the
4-star wellness and congress hotel centrovital in Berlin Spandau
Contents of the training:
Speaking Exercise & Telephone Rules
- Telephone - Rhetoric & Etiquette
- Telephone - Conversation Techniques
- Data Protection & Problem Areas
- Phone – Spelling alphabet
- Participant satisfaction level: 92%
- Reference books to get smart on various hotel management topics here!
Guest complaints and claims
In-house training on the subject of guest complaints and complaints in the
4-star wellness and congress hotel centrovital in Berlin Spandau
Contents of the training:
- Guest expectations in case of complaints
- Justified & Unjustified Complaints
- Conducting complaint discussions
- Avoidance of complaints
- Guest types
- Conclusion and recommendations
- Participant satisfaction: 96%
- Reference books to get smart on various hotel management topics here!
Rhetoric and communication
In-house training on rhetoric and communication in the
4-star wellness and congress hotel centrovital in Berlin Spandau
Contents of the training:
- Foreword and Introduction
- Rhetoric and communication
- Rhetoric techniques and instruments
- Speech phases and speech structure
- Recommendations and checklists
- Participant satisfaction: 94%
- Reference books to fall in love with on various hotel management topics here!
Self and time management
In-house training at the KPM Hotel Berlin on the subject of self and time management
Contents of the time management workshop:
- Time capital and time analysis
- Goal setting and goal setting
- Time and task planning
- Decisions and priorities
- Realization and organization
- Control and evaluation
- Satisfaction level: 93%
Service Quality and Personal Success Planning
In-house training on the topics of service quality and
Personal success planning at the Hotel Stadt Löbau in Löbau/Saxony
Contents of the training Service Quality: (10.08.2023)
- Trends in the hotel industry
- When is the guest satisfied?
- What does the guest expect from us?
- Quality of service from the guest's point of view
- Online test service quality hotel
Contents of Personal Success Planning (11.08.2023)
- Do we need scheduling? Catch the Time Thief!
- Self-management and time management
- Time management tools and techniques
- Personal Success Planning - Exercise
Sustainable Quality Standards Kitchen and Service
Workshop on Sustainable Quality Standards Kitchen and Service
Topics of the training and the contents of the kitchen concept:
- Inventory of kitchen and service
- Breakfast buffet and break buffet
- Buffet lunch and buffet dinner
- Service standards and kitchen operations
- Evaluation and optimisation proposals
Online-Workshop Quality Manager
Dual training system in the hotel sector
Information event on the topic of dual training in the hotel sector
Target group: Decision-makers from Chambers of Commerce and Industry from Antioquia Colombia
Topics of the information session:
- Apprenticeships in the hotel and catering industry
- Dual study opportunities in the hotel and tourism sector
- Practical examples: facts and figures
- Sponsors: German Hotel Institute and Hotel Scandic Kurfürstendamm
With style and etiquette in the hotel / roules of conduct
DEHOGA Seminar on Etiquette / With Style and Etiquette
Target group: Trainees and young professionals in the hotel and restaurant sector
Contents of the training:
- Good manners: What is contemporary?
- Greeting and salutation: Exercise
- Appearance and attitude: Exercise
- Etiquette and rules of communication
- Style and etiquette in the hotel and restaurant
- Satisfaction level: 98%
Implementation of Sustainable Quality Standards
Introduction of the TÜV-certified sustainable quality standards of HOTQUA® into Arte Luise Kunsthotel in Berlin Mitte.
Implementation/Introduction Process:
- Project discussions with the hotel management
- Implementation workshop with the executives
- Introduction of the pre-certified sustainable quality standards for the management, quality officers, personnel management, office and administration, marketing and sales, reception and reservation, housekeeping and technology, breakfast and events.
- Document verification and on-site inspection of sustainable quality standards
- Audit report, corrections and improvements as well as issuance of the HOTQUA® certificate
- Implementation and certification time: approx. 1.5-2 months
Motivation and self management
In-house training on motivation and self-management
In the world of work and also in the private sector, there are skills that make life easier. So it is easier if you start the day fully motivated and well organized.
Motivation isn't everything, and neither is self-management. But the combination of these two skills leads us to unexpected successes, both in our private and professional lives.
As already indicated, this workshop has two goals. On the one hand, we receive information about motivation, self-motivation and motivational environments. On the other hand, we talk about self-management and its techniques that help us to organize and optimize our time.
The ultimate goal is to teach motivation techniques and instructions for self-management that lead us, our colleagues and employees to success.
Participant satisfaction: 100%
Quality management in medical practices
Quality management in medical practices
- In-house training in the group practice of Dr. Thomas Damm and
- Grit Damm on the topics of quality management and patient care.
- Preparation for the internal audit according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and execution of the audit,
- Congratulations on passing the audit
- Satisfaction of the training participants: 97%
- Photo: Physician assistants of the group practice
Good manners
In-house workshop DEHOGA on the subject of
style and etiquette at the Hotel Bristol am Kudamm in Berlin
Contents of the training:
- Good manners: What is contemporary?
- Greeting and salutation: Exercise
- Appearance and attitude: Exercise
- Etiquette and rules of communication
- Style and etiquette in the hotel and restaurant
Participant satisfaction level: 93%
Guest-oriented telephony
In-house workshop at the Hotel Stadt Löbau
Proper telephony / guest-oriented telephony
- Language exercise / rhetoric
- Communication
- Incoming calls / inbound telephony
- Outbound calls / outbound telephony
- Exercises on how to make phone calls correctly
- Evaluation and measurement of participant satisfaction (91%)
Guest complaints in the hotel
In-house workshop at the Hotel Stadt Löbau on the topic
Guest complaints in the hotel:
- Guest expectations in case of complaints and reclamations
- Formula for success: elements that lead to success
- Justified and unjustified complaints
- Stages of guest complaints
- Reklamationsvermeidungsinstrumente
- Analysis of complaints / complainants
- Evaluation and measurement of satisfaction (92%)
- Appropriate specialist literature on the topic
Internal Audit ISO 9001
Internal audit and preparation for the surveillance audit at the brewery in Spandau:
Document verification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and review of value-added processes:
- Beer brewing
- Restaurant
- Kitchen
- Hotel
- Events
Photo: Master Brewer Michael Metscher
Sustainable Quality Standards for medium-sized hotels
Online meeting on Friday, 17.03.2023, from 14:00-15:30
How do I implement sustainable quality standards to optimize workflows and personnel deployment, increase guest satisfaction and strengthen employee loyalty?
The target group of our compact and eloquent online meeting were decision-makers of medium-sized hotels, owners, managing directors, department heads who are interested in the topic of sustainability, quality management and quality standards.
The TÜV-tested and field-tested quality standards for hotel management, accommodation and catering were presented.
The online event ran through TEAMS and lasted 90 minutes.
Related literature:
- Sustainable quality standards for hotel management
- Sustainable quality standards for the hotel sector
- Sustainable quality standards for restaurant management
We are TÜV-tested and certified for SUSTAINABILITY.
- This includes quality management according to ISO 9001,
- Environmental management according to ISO 14001 and
- CSR / social responsibility according to ISO 26,000
More information about quality management can be found here: HOTQUA.
Here you can find information about workshops and training: German Hotel Institute
Diversity and international guests
Inhouse Workshop Quality Service
centrovital Wellness Hotel Berlin Spandau
In-house workshop Service Quality Restaurant
Contents of the training:
- What does the centrovital guest expect from us?
- When is the centrovital restaurant guest satisfied?
- Trends in international/regional gastronomy
- Service quality from the point of view of the restaurant guest
- Restaurant checklist with over 100 quality criteria
- Recommendations and online satisfaction measurement
- Satisfaction of participants: 94%
Diversity & Interational Guests
Training at the Hotel centrovital from Berlin Spandau
on the topic of diversity and international guests
Contents of the training:
- International guests
- Do we need diversity?
- How does diversity work?
- Dimensions of diversity
- Recommendations and online measurement
- satisfaction of participants: 92%
- Practical online tests
Inhouse Workshop Teamwork
In-house training at the Hotel centrovital Berlin Spandau
on the topic of teamwork & team management
Contents of the training:
- Team & Teamwork
- Teammanagement
- Team management in the hotel industry
- Team conflicts and de-escalation
- Recommendations and online measurement
- Practical online tests
Successful communication with the guest
Service Quality
In-house training at the centrovital Hotel & Spa in Spandau
Topic service quality hotel and restaurant
Contents of the training:
- Hotel and restaurant trends
- Quality elements in the hotel and restaurant
- Quality of service from the guest's point of view
- Service quality from the point of view of the restaurant guest
- Recommendations and online satisfaction measurement
- Satisfaction level of participants: 96%
Quality Management
In-house training at R &R Service Sicherheitsdienst GmbH
on the subject of quality managers according to
DIN EN ISO 9001 with official examination:
Contents of the training:
- DIN-EN-ISO 9001 & 19011
- General Process Management /GPM
- Quality indicators & promotion
- Total Quality Management / EFQM
- Exam Preparation & Exam
Congratulations on passing the exam
Induction Workshop
In-house introductory workshop for new employees
Hotel Stadt Löbau in Löbau / Saxony
- Quality standards for the hotel management:
- Management, Quality Officer, Human Resources Management,
- Office and administration, marketing and sales
- Quality standards for accommodation:
- Reception and reservation
- Housekeeping and Technology
- Quality standards for catering:
- Kitchen and catering
- Breakfast and restaurant
- Banquets and Events
- Zufriedenheitsgrad: 97%
Quality and environmental management
Audit workshop on the topic
Quality and environmental management
In-house training Capital Glanz
- Introduction to Quality Management and Environmental Management
- Documentation of the company Hauptstadt Glanz GmbH Berlin
- Preparation for the internal audit
- Preparing for the surveillance audit
- Outlook & Questions
Workshop Quality Management ISO 9001
Workshop on the topic
Quality management according to ISO 9001
Conference office: Hotel Villa Kastania Berlin
The following topics were discussed:
- Repetition Quality Representative
- Business Process Management
- Quality indicators and quality promotion
- Total Quality Management
- Exam preparation and exam
Summary HOTQUA Training & Education 2022
- In 2022 we conducted a total of 37 workshops (+20%) with 403 participants (+22%) from 87 companies
- 80% of the courses were in-house online training (-10%) and 20% face-to-face courses (-10%).
- The most popular seminar topics were: 40% Sustainable quality standards and quality management; 10% each hygiene management (HACCP), guest complaints, etiquette and time management as well as other topics; Data protection, housekeeping, marketing, motivation and personnel management.
- The most popular workshop eras were the 4th quarter and the 2nd quarter (both 30%)
- The face-to-face events took place in Berlin, Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia.
- Most of the online participants came from Germany and South America.
- Languages: German, English and Spanish
- Publication of 6 reference books in 5 languages: German, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian.
- Most popular topics of the manuals: Sustainable quality standards, hygiene management and housekeeping.
- The average level of satisfaction of our participants is 95% and we are very pleased and proud of that.
Der durchschnittliche Zufriedenheitsgrad unserer Teilnehmenden beträgt 95% und dafür sind wir sehr erfreut und stolz.