Congratulations for the successfully exided Audit by TÜV


 The Hotel MMI/WGG in Braunschweig - Riddagshauen (Volkswagen Akademy) passed the control audit by  TÜV successfully .

  • On 17.01.2011 TÜV checked:
  • The hotel management
  • The reception and housekeeping
  • The service & kitchen 

Photo from rigt to left: Gerd Döhler, TÜV Quality auditor, Beatrix Spillecke, front office manager + deputy quality representative, Michael Komander, hotel manager, Jörg Thiess, chef + quality manager, Lisa Nguyen manh, TÜV, Thomas Paulig, restaurant manager

 Hotqua:We thank all of the employees of the hotel for the very good cooperation during the implementation and controll process of the quality management system 

Quality management project days


Actualisation of the quality management system in the  Berlin Plaza Hotel and Hotel Astoria Berlin

  • Meeting with Mr. Frank Hägele, Managing Director
  • Meeting with the Quality Representatives Mr. Alexander Diecke, Mr. Markus Eibl and with Mr. Gert Orlich, F&B Manager
  • Examination of the documents in the "Blue & Red folders"
  • Quality check of the services of the Plaza & Astoria Hotels and Restaurant Knese.

Breakfast services and guests complaints

In-house workshop about breakfast service and guest complaints

  • Introduction and objectives 
  • Guest expectations in the case of complaints
  • Types of complaints 
  • How to hold complaint conversations professionally
  • Types of guests 
  • Quality standards for the breakfast service in the Berlin Plaza Hotel 

Brauhaus (Brewery) in Spandau / Quality standards


Implementation of quality standards:

  • 06.01.2011 determination of service standards
  • 07.01.2011 determination of brewing standards


During the workshop; (left to right) Werner Niklewski, Christian Metscher, Michel Metscher, Hartmut Janeczek, Norbert Klostermann, Carolin Niklewski, Günther A. Sackel


2011 began very successfully


We met with  Stanley Fleischer at the Hotel Stadt Radebeul today.

  • Stanley showed u, how to process our web page.
  • Our Web page now functions with TYPO3. 
  • It is a pleasure to work with TYPO3.

Until next time, sincerely yours